40# bag $10.49
40# bag $11.49Formulated for use where iron content in water is high.
50# bag $8.98Unique sizing mixture of large and small crystals of natural sodium chloride - small crystals melt on contact and large crystals provide longevity and instant traction. Works best at temperatures of 5 degrees Fahrenheit and above. Leaves no oily residue.Applications: Application rates vary from one-half to one cup per square yard of Diamond Crystal® Winter Melt®. Spread evenly over ice and snow-compacted surfaces. Quantity and melting action depend upon temperature and thickness of compacted ice and snow. |
40# bag $11.98A specially formulated blend of magnesium chloride and sodium chloride which allows for fast action and lower application rates. Works down to -10 degrees Fahrenheit. Jiffy Melt® ice melter is the cost-effective choice over premium blends and more expensive substitutes. Leaves no oily residue. |
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